29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (2024)

My little friends, welcome to the wonderful world of colorful plants! Get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey through nature’s green blessings that start with the letter ‘B.’

So, grab your watering pot and gardening tools and enjoy the journey into the world of some beautiful flowering plants.

Amazing Plants That Start With B

Discover the wonders of these plants! From colorful Begonias to attractive Butterfly Bushes, these wonderful plants will surely leave you in wonder!

So, let’s enjoy this fun-filled journey together into the world of green plants that starts with the boldness of the letter ‘B!’


29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (1)

Begonias are like colorful stars in the garden! They come in many bright colors, and their petals can be small or big. These flowers originally came from warm places like South America and Africa. People love them for their fancy shapes and vibrant colors.

Origin: Begonias come from warm, tropical places like South America, Africa, and Asia. They grow in gardens for their pretty flowers.

Uses: People love begonias for gardens, pots, and indoors. They add color and beauty to any space with their vibrant petals.

Care: Begonias like moist soil and shade. Keep them away from too much sun. Regular watering keeps them happy and healthy.

Benefits: These flowers help make the air fresher and cleaner. They bring joy with their bright colors and make spaces more beautiful.

Fun Fact: Some begonias are edible! People in some places use them in salads or as garnishes because they taste slightly sour.


29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (2)

Bougainvilleas are like artists who paint gardens with bright colors! They grow in vines and have stunning, paper-like flowers in pink, purple, red, or white. These flowers come from South America, and they spread their beautiful colors everywhere they go!

Origin: Bougainvilleas are native to South America, particularly Brazil. They spread around the world because of their stunning flowers.

Uses: These colorful vines are perfect for decorating fences, walls, and gardens. They bring a burst of color to any space.

Care: Bougainvilleas thrive in warm, sunny spots and need little water once established. They love well-draining soil for healthy growth.

Benefits: They attract butterflies and hummingbirds with their vibrant colors. Their thorny branches also provide some security when grown as hedges.

Fun Fact: The bright colors you see aren’t flowers! They are actually colorful leaves called bracts that surround the small, less noticeable flowers.


29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (3)

Basil is like a super tasty plant that loves to give flavors! It’s an herb that originally came from India and has a wonderful smell. People use basil in cooking, especially in yummy things like pasta, salads, and pizzas.

Origin: Basil originally came from India. It’s been used for centuries in cooking and medicine because of its lovely scent and taste.

Uses: People love basil in pasta, salads, and as a pizza topping. It’s a tasty herb in cooking and adds freshness to dishes.

Care: Basil likes warmth and sunlight. It needs regular watering but doesn’t like getting too wet. Pinch off flowers for better leaf growth.

Benefits: Besides making food delicious, basil has vitamins and antioxidants. It’s also believed to have some health benefits for digestion.

Fun Fact: Basil is often seen as a symbol of love in some cultures. People thought it brought good luck and protected against evil.


29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (4)

Bellflowers are like little bells ringing in the garden! They’re pretty flowers that come in different colors and grow in Europe, Asia, and North America. These flowers love sunny spots. People plant them in gardens to make them look cheerful!

Origin: Bellflowers grow in Europe, Asia, and North America. They’re famous for their bell-shaped flowers and come in different colors.

Uses: People plant bellflowers in gardens for their pretty appearance. They’re loved by bees and butterflies for their nectar.

Care: Bellflowers prefer sunny spots with well-draining soil. Regular watering helps them grow, but they can tolerate dry spells once established.

Benefits: These flowers attract pollinators, helping other plants grow. Their cheerful blooms also bring beauty to gardens and make people happy.

Fun Fact: Some types of bellflowers were used in the past for their medicinal properties, like treating coughs and sore throats.

Bleeding Heart

29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (5)

Bleeding Hearts are like nature’s way of showing love! These flowers look like little hearts with a drop of “blood” hanging down. They’re from Asia and love shady spots with moist, well-drained soil. People plant them in gardens for their cute heart-shaped flowers.

Origin: Bleeding Hearts come from Asia. They earned their name from their unique flower shape resembling a heart with a drop of “blood.”

Uses: People plant them in gardens for their beautiful heart-shaped flowers. They’re admired for their unique appearance.

Care: They prefer shade and moist, well-drained soil. Regular watering helps them thrive, and they go dormant in the winter.

Benefits: Bleeding Hearts attract bees and butterflies. Their lovely flowers also add charm to shady areas in gardens.

Fun Fact: In some cultures, Bleeding Hearts are considered flowers that represent deep emotions like love and compassion.

Baby’s Breath

29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (6)

Baby’s Breath is like a cloud in the garden! These tiny, delicate flowers are white and look like little stars. They originally came from Europe, Africa, and Asia. People use them to fill spaces in flower bouquets to make them look fluffy and pretty

Origin: Baby’s Breath comes from Europe, Africa, and Asia. It’s famous for its tiny, delicate white flowers.

Uses: It’s often used as a filler in flower arrangements. People love its airy appearance and how it complements other flowers.

Care: Baby’s Breath prefers lots of sunlight and well-draining soil. Regular watering and pruning help maintain its growth.

Benefits: Besides being beautiful in bouquets, Baby’s Breath symbolizes innocence and purity in weddings and celebrations.

Fun Fact: Baby’s Breath is sometimes called “gyp,” short for gypsophila, which means “lover of chalk” because it grows well in chalky soil.

Bird of Paradise

29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (7)

Bird of Paradise plants are like colorful birds in the garden! They have beautiful, vibrant flowers that look like birds in flight. These amazing plants come from South Africa and add a tropical feel wherever they grow. People love their big, bold colors and how they attract hummingbirds.

Origin: Bird of Paradise plants are native to South Africa. Their unique flowers look like colorful birds, giving them their name.

Uses: They’re planted in gardens for their exotic look. Their vibrant flowers make stunning decorations and attract hummingbirds.

Care: They prefer sunlight and well-draining soil. Regular watering in the growing season helps them flourish.

Benefits: Bird of Paradise plants add a tropical feel to gardens. Their flowers and foliage bring a touch of paradise wherever they grow.

Fun Fact: It can take several years for a Bird of Paradise plant to bloom for the first time!


29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (8)

Bamboo is like a tall, green superhero in the plant world! It grows super fast and comes from places like Asia to South America. People use bamboo for so many things, like making furniture, floors, and even clothing!

Origin: Bamboo grows in many places, from Asia to South America. It’s a fast-growing plant often used for building, food, and decoration.

Uses: People use bamboo for making furniture, flooring, and even clothing. Pandas love eating bamboo too!

Care: Bamboo likes sunlight but can grow in shade too. It needs lots of water, especially when first planted, to establish strong roots.

Benefits: Bamboo grows quickly and helps prevent soil erosion. It’s also eco-friendly and can be used in many different ways.

Fun Fact: Bamboo is one of the fastest-growing plants on Earth. Some types can grow up to 3 feet in just one day!

Black-eyed Susan

29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (9)

Black-eyed Susans are like little sunshine plants! They’re bright yellow flowers with a dark center and come from North America. People plant them in gardens because they look so cheerful and make bees and butterflies happy.

Origin: Black-eyed Susans are native to North America. Their yellow flowers with dark centers bloom in summer and fall.

Uses: People plant them in gardens for their cheerful blooms. They’re loved by bees and butterflies for their nectar.

Care: They like sunlight and well-draining soil. Black-eyed Susans are quite hardy and don’t need much care once established.

Benefits: These flowers attract pollinators and add a splash of bright color to gardens. They’re also deer resistant.

Fun Fact: Black-eyed Susans are the state flower of Maryland, USA. They’re also part of many native prairie gardens.

Butterfly Bush

29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (10)

Butterfly bushes are like magic flowers that attract butterflies! They’re shrubs with colorful, fragrant flowers that bees and hummingbirds also love. These special plants come from China and are famous for their sweet scents and beautiful colors.

Origin: Butterfly bushes come from China. They get their name because they attract lots of butterflies with their fragrant flowers.

Uses: People plant them in gardens to create butterfly havens. They’re loved for their beautiful colors and sweet scent.

Care: Butterfly bushes like lots of sunlight and well-draining soil. Regular pruning after flowering keeps them healthy and blooming.

Benefits: They’re great for attracting butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. Their long-lasting blooms also make them popular in gardens.

Fun Fact: Besides butterflies, hummingbirds and bees also love the sweet nectar of the butterfly bush flowers!


29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (11)

Boxwoods are like little green guardians in the garden! They’re evergreen shrubs with small leaves that originally came from Europe, Asia, and Africa. People use them to create borders in gardens or to make fancy shapes.

Origin: Boxwoods are native to Europe, Asia, and Africa. They’re evergreen shrubs with small leaves often used in landscaping.

Uses: People plant boxwoods as hedges, topiaries, and in gardens for their neat appearance and easy shaping.

Care: Boxwoods like sunlight but can handle shade. They need well-draining soil and regular watering, especially in hot weather.

Benefits: These shrubs provide year-round greenery and are deer-resistant. They’re also great for creating borders in gardens.

Fun Fact: Boxwood leaves were once used to make medicine and even boxes, hence their name.


29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (12)

Bouvardias are like elegant guests in the garden! These flowers are from Mexico and Central America, and they grow in clusters of tubular blossoms. People love them for their beauty and use them in gardens or as cut flowers for fancy bouquets.

Origin: Bouvardias are native to Mexico and Central America. They’re flowering plants loved for their clusters of tubular blossoms.

Uses: People grow bouvardias in gardens and cut flowers for bouquets. They add elegance and color to floral arrangements.

Care: Bouvardias like sunlight and well-draining soil. They need regular watering but don’t like to sit in soggy soil.

Benefits: These flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Their fragrant blooms make them popular for decorative purposes.

Fun Fact: Bouvardias are named after Charles Bouvard, the personal physician to King Louis XIII of France.

Bonsai Tree

29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (13)

Bonsai trees are like living works of art! They’re tiny trees grown in pots and shaped to look like big trees. Originally from China and Japan, these trees are grown for meditation, decoration, and enjoying nature’s beauty. Bonsai trees need lots of care to grow happily!

Origin: Bonsai originated in China and Japan. They’re miniature trees grown in pots and shaped to look like full-sized trees.

Uses: People admire bonsai for their artistry and symbolism. They’re grown for meditation, decoration, and appreciation of nature’s beauty.

Care: Bonsai trees need lots of care, including regular watering, pruning, and the right soil to thrive in their tiny pots.

Benefits: Besides being beautiful, bonsai trees teach patience, discipline, and appreciation for nature’s delicate balance.

Fun Fact: Some bonsai trees are hundreds of years old and are passed down through generations as precious heirlooms.

Bee Balm

29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (14)

Bee Balm is like a flower festival for bees and butterflies! These flowers are native to North America and have aromatic leaves with showy, bright blossoms. People grow them in gardens to attract these fluttery friends and sometimes use them for herbal teas.

Origin: Bee Balm is native to North America. It’s a flowering plant with aromatic leaves and bright, showy flowers.

Uses: People plant bee balm in gardens to attract pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. It’s also used in herbal teas.

Care: Bee Balm likes sunlight and well-draining soil. Regular watering helps it thrive and produce more blooms.

Benefits: Besides attracting pollinators, bee balm has medicinal properties and is believed to aid digestion and ease cold symptoms.

Fun Fact: Bee Balm is also known as Oswego tea because Native Americans used it to make a herbal tea in the Oswego region.

Blue Fescue

29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (15)

Blue Fescue is like a tiny, blue carpet in the garden! It’s a small ornamental grass known for its blue-gray color and tufty growth. Originally from Europe, this grass is perfect for borders, rock gardens, or making gardens look cool with its blue hue.

Origin: Blue fescue grass is native to Europe. It’s a small ornamental grass known for its blue-gray color and tufted growth.

Uses: People plant blue fescue in gardens for its attractive color and texture. It’s great for borders, rock gardens, or as an accent.

Care: Blue fescue prefers sunlight and well-draining soil. It’s drought-tolerant once established and needs little maintenance.

Benefits: This grass adds a unique color contrast to gardens. It’s also deer-resistant and doesn’t need much water.

Fun Fact: Blue fescue is often used in landscaping to create a “sea-like” effect when planted in groups due to its blue hue.


29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (16)

Barrenwort is like a delicate beauty in the shade! These low-growing plants, also called epimedium, have pretty flowers and come from Asia. People grow them in shady gardens for their blooms and sometimes use them in traditional medicine.

Origin: Barrenwort, also known as epimedium, comes from Asia. It’s a low-growing plant loved for its delicate flowers.

Uses: People grow barrenwort in shady gardens for its pretty blooms. It’s also used in traditional medicine for various purposes.

Care: Barrenwort likes shade and moist, well-draining soil. Regular watering helps it thrive, and it’s low-maintenance once established.

Benefits: This plant adds charm to shady spots in gardens. It’s also believed to have medicinal properties in some cultures.

Fun Fact: Barrenwort got its name because it was once thought to increase fertility in women. It’s also known as “horny goat weed.”

Baby Blue Eyes

29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (17)

These unique plants are like a soft, blue sky in the garden! These delicate flowers with pale blue petals are native to California. People plant them for their charming appearance in gardens and wildflower patches. They add a touch of gentle blue to gardens!

Origin: Baby Blue Eyes are native to California. They’re small, delicate flowers with pale blue petals.

Uses: People plant baby blue eyes for their charming appearance in gardens and wildflower patches. They’re loved for their dainty blooms.

Care: Baby blue eyes like cooler weather and well-draining soil. Regular watering in the growing season helps them bloom.

Benefits: These flowers attract pollinators like bees and butterflies. They add a touch of soft blue to gardens.

Fun Fact: Baby blue eyes are part of California’s native wildflowers and are a symbol of the state’s natural beauty.


29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (18)

It is like a magical, white flower! These flowers are native to North America and have white petals with a bright red sap. People grow them for their beauty in woodland gardens. Regular watering helps them thrive and make shady spots in gardens look enchanting!

Origin: Bloodroots are native to North America. They’re herbaceous perennials known for their white flowers and red sap.

Uses: People grow bloodroots for their attractive flowers in woodland gardens. They’re also used in traditional medicine.

Care: Bloodroots prefer shade and moist, well-draining soil. Regular watering helps them establish and thrive.

Benefits: These plants add beauty to shaded areas in gardens. However, their sap can be toxic if handled improperly.

Fun Fact: Bloodroot’s red sap was used historically by Native Americans as a dye and for body paint.


29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (19)

Bottlebrush plants are like nature’s paintbrushes! They’re shrubs or trees with brush-like flowers that originally came from Australia. These flowers come in vibrant colors like red, pink, purple, or white and spread their beauty everywhere!

Origin: Bottlebrush plants are native to Australia. They’re shrubs or trees known for their unique, brush-like flowers.

Uses: People plant bottlebrushes for their vibrant, colorful flowers. They’re used in gardens and landscapes to attract birds and bees.

Care: Bottlebrush likes sunlight and well-draining soil. They need regular watering when young but are drought-tolerant once established.

Benefits: These plants attract pollinators like birds and bees. Their unique flowers add an exotic touch to gardens.

Fun Fact: Bottlebrush flowers are shaped like, you guessed it, bottle brushes! They come in red, yellow, or greenish-white colors.


29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (20)

These plants are like rainbow stars in the garden! They’re tropical plants from Central and South America with bright, long-lasting flowers. People grow bromeliads as houseplants to add a tropical vibe indoors. These plants are not just pretty; they’re also great air purifiers!

Origin: Bromeliads come from Central and South America. They’re tropical plants known for their colorful, long-lasting flowers.

Uses: People grow bromeliads for their striking appearance. They’re popular as houseplants and add a tropical vibe to interiors.

Care: Bromeliads like bright, indirect sunlight and well-draining soil. They’re low-maintenance plants that need occasional watering.

Benefits: These plants are air purifiers and can improve indoor air quality. They also have long-lasting, colorful blooms.

Fun Fact: Some bromeliads, like the pineapple plant, produce edible fruits. They’re also known for catching rainwater in their central cups.

Beach Sunflowers

29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (21)

These attractive plants are like bright rays of sunshine by the sea! They’re flowering plants found in coastal areas, and their yellow blooms bring cheer to gardens. These plants thrive in sunny spots. Beach Sunflowers can make coastal landscapes look sunny and happy!

Origin: Beach sunflowers, also known as Helianthus debilis, are native to the southeastern United States. They’re flowering plants found in coastal areas.

Uses: People plant beach sunflowers for their cheerful yellow flowers. They’re used in coastal gardens and landscaping for their beauty.

Care: Beach sunflowers like sunlight and well-draining soil. They’re quite hardy and can tolerate dry, sandy conditions.

Benefits: These flowers attract pollinators and add bright color to coastal landscapes. They’re also drought-tolerant once established.

Fun Fact: Beach sunflowers are tough plants that can grow in salty soil near the beach, giving a sunny vibe to coastal areas.

Blue Star flowers

29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (22)

Blue Star flowers are like little bursts of blue magic in the garden! They’re native to North America and have clusters of star-shaped, blue blooms. People plant them in gardens to add color and attract butterflies.

Origin: Blue Star, or Amsonia, is native to North America. It’s a perennial plant known for its clusters of star-shaped blue flowers.

Uses: People plant Blue Star for its charming blue blooms. They’re used in gardens to add color and attract butterflies.

Care: Blue Star prefers sunlight and well-draining soil. It needs moderate watering and is low-maintenance once established.

Benefits: These plants attract pollinators like butterflies. They’re also deer-resistant and add a touch of blue to gardens.

Fun Fact: Blue Star’s leaves turn a brilliant yellow in the fall, adding an extra splash of color before winter.

Bristlecone Pines

29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (23)

These are like wise old trees in nature’s storybook! These evergreens are from the western United States and live for a very long time. They have sturdy needles and grow in sandy soil. Bristlecone Pines love the sun and don’t need a lot of water!

Origin: Bristlecone pines are native to the western United States. They’re evergreen trees known for their longevity.

Uses: Bristlecone pines are admired for their resilience and unique appearance. They’re not commonly used for commercial purposes.

Care: They like well-draining, sandy soil and are drought-tolerant once established. They need sunlight to thrive.

Benefits: Bristlecone pines are among the oldest living organisms on Earth, some surviving for thousands of years.

Fun Fact: Methuselah, a Bristlecone pine in California, is one of the oldest known trees, estimated to be over 4,800 years old!


29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (24)

Bluebells are like little fairies dancing in the garden! These flowers, with their bell-shaped petals, are found in Europe and North America. They prefer shady spots. Bluebells bloom in spring, creating carpets of blue and bringing joy to gardens.

Origin: Bluebells are wildflowers native to Europe, known for their vivid blue hue. They grow in woodlands, symbolizing spring’s arrival.

Uses: They’re admired for their beauty and often featured in gardens or parks for their colorful display.

Care: Bluebells thrive in shaded areas with moist soil, needing little care once established. They spread naturally through seeds.

Benefits: They attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, contributing to a healthy ecosystem.

Fun Fact: Bluebells are also called “fairy flowers” in folklore, believed to be where fairies ring in springtime celebrations.

Burning Bush

29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (25)

Burning Bushes are like fiery flames in the garden! These shrubs, also called Winged Euonymus, have vibrant red leaves in fall. They’re originally from Asia and love sunlight. Burning Bushes add a pop of color to gardens and attract attention with their fiery foliage.

Origin: Native to Asia, the Burning Bush gets its name from its vibrant red foliage during the fall season.

Uses: Primarily used as an ornamental shrub in gardens or landscapes for its striking autumn color.

Care: They prefer well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade, requiring minimal maintenance once established.

Benefits: Besides its beauty, it provides shelter for birds and small animals, supporting biodiversity.

Fun Fact: The Burning Bush’s leaves turn fiery red in autumn, creating a mesmerizing visual spectacle in gardens.

Bird’s Nest Fern

29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (26)

Bird’s Nest Ferns are like cozy homes for garden birds! These ferns, originally from tropical regions, have leaves that curl around like a nest. Bird’s Nest Ferns bring a touch of greenery to shady areas in gardens!

Origin: Originating from tropical regions, Bird’s Nest Ferns grow in forests, named for their nest-like appearance.

Uses: Popular as indoor ornamental plants, adding a touch of greenery to homes or offices.

Care: They thrive in indirect light and high humidity, requiring regular watering to keep the soil moist.

Benefits: Bird’s Nest Ferns help purify indoor air, making them a healthy addition to indoor spaces.

Fun Fact: These ferns don’t produce flowers or seeds; instead, they reproduce via spores found on the undersides of their fronds.

Balloon Flower

29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (27)

Meet the Balloon Flower, a plant that’s like a magical balloon party in your garden! When it blooms, its flowers look like puffy balloons waiting to pop! They come in blue, pink, white, and purple, making them the coolest flowers around.

Origin: Balloon flowers come from East Asia. They’re named for their balloon-like buds that burst open into bell-shaped flowers.

Uses: People grow balloon flowers in gardens for their unique buds and beautiful blooms. They’re loved for their ornamental value.

Care: Balloon flowers prefer sunlight and well-draining soil. They need regular watering to establish strong roots.

Benefits: These flowers attract pollinators and add a pop of color to gardens. They’re also deer-resistant.

Fun Fact: Balloon flowers have a cool trick! If you gently squeeze the sides of the unopened bud, it pops open like magic.

Blue Hibiscus

29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (28)

Imagine a flower that’s as big as your hand and comes in the coolest color of blue! That’s the Blue Hibiscus. It’s like a superstar in gardens because of its amazing color and big, fancy petals. Bees and butterflies love visiting these flowers because they’re like a five-star hotel for them!

Origin: Blue Hibiscus, also known as Alyogyne huegelii, is native to Australia. It’s a shrub loved for its large, blue or purple flowers.

Uses: People plant Blue Hibiscus for their striking flowers. They’re used in gardens to add a touch of exotic beauty.

Care: Blue Hibiscus likes sunlight and well-draining soil. Regular watering helps them thrive, especially in warmer climates.

Benefits: These plants bring vibrant color to gardens and attract pollinators. They’re also drought-tolerant once established.

Fun Fact: While called “blue,” the flowers of the Blue Hibiscus can range from blue to purple hues, adding to their allure.

Baby Rubber Plant

29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (29)

The Baby Rubber Plant is a cool house plant that’s tough and friendly! It’s called “baby” because it’s smaller than its big sibling, the Rubber Plant. With shiny, green leaves that feel a bit like rubber, it’s a cool addition to any room. This plant is awesome at cleaning the air!

Origin: Baby Rubber Plants, or Peperomia obtusifolia, come from South America. They’re small houseplants loved for their glossy leaves.

Uses: People grow Baby Rubber Plants indoors for their attractive foliage. They’re perfect for desks, shelves, and small spaces.

Care: Baby Rubber Plants like bright, indirect sunlight and well-draining soil. They prefer moderate watering and humidity.

Benefits: These plants are easy to care for and purify the air indoors. Their compact size makes them great for small spaces.

Fun Fact: Baby Rubber Plants got their name from their thick, rubbery leaves, which are similar in appearance and texture to rubber.

Some Other Plants That Start With B

BearberryBlue Crown Passion FlowerBig Bluestem Grass
BeautyberryBlue DazeBluebeard
Bear’s BreechesBlue Wood AsterBlue Elderberry
Blue Mist ShrubBlue Wild IndigoBlue Cardinal Flower
Blue Passion FlowerBlue Grama GrassBluebell Vine
Blue WheatgrassBlazing StarBlue Toad Lily
Balfour AraliaBlue False IndigoBlue Penstemon
Blue ChalksticksBlue DevilBlue Passion Flower Vine
Blue Eyed GrassButterfly IrisBlue Crown Passion Flower
Beauty BushBlue OakBlue Echeveria
Blue SageBlue VervainBlue Thistle
Blue Trumpet VineBladderwortBlue Fescue Grass
Blue PorterweedBlue LeadwortBlue Love-in-a-Mist
Beach Morning GloryBlue Water LilyBlue Coneflower
Blue PorterweedBlue LupineBlueberry Bush


So, little explorers, we’ve enjoyed a truly fantastic journey while discovering the wonders of the plants starting with ‘B’ isn’t it??

From cloudlike Baby’s Breath to the magical balloon flower, all of these have something to say!

So, let’s continue our interesting journey through some magical plants! Until then, happy gardening!

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29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (30)

Rashmi Panchal

I’m a former teacher (and mother of Two Childs) with a background in child development. I’m here to help you with play-based learning activities and crafts for kids ages 0 – 8. ( Cledemy.com is my Next startup on Pre to 8th Grade Printable and Worksheet Education Resources)

29+ Beautiful Plants that Start with B (2024)


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Begonias (Begonia)

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Parrot's Beak

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BEE BALM. A delightfully compact bee balm loaded with cherry red flowers for most of the summer. Not only are the brightly colored blooms magnets for bees, they also attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Learn more about growing bee balm.

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Begonia Begonia. Begonias come in many different varieties but most have large double flowers that come in yellow, orange, red, white and pink. They bloom on top of dark green leaves. Begonias need moderate amounts of sun and prefer to stay out of the wind.

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  • Blue.
  • Beseech.
  • Baffle.
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  • Bonded.

What are B and B trees? ›

B&B stands for ball and burlap; this is when a plant has been grown in the ground. Once a field grown plant is ready to sell, it is then dug up and the rootball is wrapped in burlap. For larger trees, sometimes this burlapped rootball is then placed in a metal basket to help support the rootball.

How do you take care of a bromeliad plant? ›

Due to attributes like the aforementioned trichomes, many bromeliads are among the more drought-tolerant houseplants and dislike being over-watered. You can keep them healthy by watering the soil every one to two weeks in the warmer months, and every two to three weeks in the colder months.

What are the 5 type plants? ›

Green plants produce energy for all organisms. They produce oxygen that helps us in the process of breathing and is essential for the survival of life. The different types of plants for kids are herbs, shrubs, trees, climbers, and creepers.

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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.